Christie Renee

Dec 15, 20193 min

Why Gutted Fitness, 2.0

Wow! I don’t know about you but “whew” is the only way to describe 2019. It hasn’t
been terrible but it definitely came through strong for a lot of us. Thanks to the pressure, we (You, Gutted and me) are evolving beautifully. Let’s take a look at some of the greatest lessons learned this year:

In 2019, we learned that:

  • Life happens and there is nothing we can do to prevent it. But how we manage our fucks will make quite a difference in how we navigate life.

  • Community is essential to survival. You need to have folk in your life that are praying and looking out for you AND that understand that as you change, so will the relationship! And that doesn't have to be a bad thing.

  • “Folding under pressure” isn’t a flaw, but rather what we need to create a strong foundation of who we were created to be. It’s ok to break down and take a break! Just don’t stay there permanently.

  • Everyone is crazy and a G can still have feelings! We’re supposed to feel because we’re a human! Gone head and laugh or cry that ugly cry, my G.

  • Having a healthier mind and body is really simple: Choose better food and move! Do some shit! It’s also about being intentional and consistent about the steps you take towards and after reaching your goal, whether it’s mentally, physically, spiritually, financially, etc.

SO with all that learning, what is Gutted Fitness now? Gutted is still very much about identity exploration, healing and personal development as much as it is about mental and physical wellness. Today, Gutted values are Aunthenticity, Balance, Instrospection and Ubuntu (I am because you/we are, ie. Community). In other words, we need each other to understand and accept ourselves and each other's human-ness in order to navigate the yin and yang of life.

Gutted Fitness meets that need by providing opportunities for us to relate to the next person in our most authentic fashion, regardless of where we are in life. You must know that you are not alone, that we can do life together.

And with that, here is what you can expect from Gutted this year:

Tighter Conversations

Yall! This blog line up, tuh!! We are trille-y finna get into it. Why? Because as our topics get more real, so do our blog contributors! We have more gems coming from ya girl Victoria, PH.D Pattie-Patrice at ForeverWriot, our guy Justin over at StayDadicated and more!! Now you KNOW we bout to get into this!! Be sure to sign up for updates! Want to share your thoughts and ideas? Spill the tea here.

Tighter Community

Gutted Fitness is now on the Convoz app. Now yall know, as trille as these blog conversations are, sometimes, a text conversation or a comment is not enough. We really need to chat face to face to really get into this tea! The Convoz app will bring us all in one space to have a nice convo about life! Tune into the app every Wednesday for “What’s the Word” Wednesday beginning January 1!

We are also adding merch fall 2020! Athletic and casual wear for the Gutted Gang, cuz what!? We Betta Together! There will be sponsorship and collaboration opportunities that support Indie talent as well.

Tighter Cakes

Now I know we are long past due with this! But Gutted will be making it easier for you to move! Expect to see more Gutted Fitness events online or in a city near you as well as live and pre-recorded workout sessions beginning in March! OOO!!! And yall know I like to eat right!? YOP! Meal plans coming too!

All in all, just know Gang, Gutted is for and WITH you! Life is wild so as I learn, so will you! And I hope that we can all learn from you too! You are the Gutted Gang and this is a safe space for your to express and receive support. So come come!! Let’s do this together!

As we prepare to move into another year and decade, let’s take some time to do some reflecting on our journey.

  • In what ways have you grown the most?

  • What were some of your funniest, happiest and humbling moments that have brought you where you are today?

  • What are some things you want to improve?

  • What were the pivotal relationships in your life? How do you show love in these relationships and how have your supported them?

  • What do you expect to get out of 2020??


